Saturday, March 1, 2008

A pretty boring day

After all that happened yesterday, today was pretty boring, which I much prefer! I have walked almost a half mile today (around the pod here - 40 trips is one mile), and am feeling pretty well, given the circumstances. I did have some struggles this morning with nausea, but some meds took care of that pretty quickly, and I was able to eat much better today. They are trying to control my weight closely - they don't want more than a pound or so over what I came in as. They tel me that this is because the cell walls will be weaker, and that will make the engraftment process more successful. To do this, I will be getting Lasix daily, which requires many trips to the restroom (good thing it's just across the room from me!) Not too much else to report - guess that's good.
We got some snow this morning, but not as much as they were predicting, and they are calling for more mild temps over the next few days, and then another storm on Tuesday. I'll post more when there's more to say. Keep helps immensely to have my prayer poster here with me, and be able to roll over and see who's praying for me anytime of the day or night (Ken Merrill - I felt your prayers at 3am this morning, when I couldn't sleep!) Keep checking never know when I'll have more musings.

1 comment:

AdamK said...

We're lifting you up in prayer regularly Jon!

(on a ministry note, I'm desperately trying to figure out how to use your "changing blood type" as a sermon illustration...*smile*)
