Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day +9

(Written by Lisa): Big praise - Jon kept down all of his meals yesterday and breakfast went fine today!!! Yeah!!! His blood pressure is up a bit, so he doesn't have to be monitored so closely. But the docs would still like to see it a bit higher. His rash is slowly improving, so that is also good news. The pain in his legs and arms seems to be improving, and even though he did have another fever last night, it wasn't as high, and it didn't last as long. They are giving him meds (antibiotics and antifungals) as a protocol help reduce and eliminate the fevers, but the antifungal meds are giving him pretty bad hallucinations. Yesterday it was just crayon marks on the ceiling, which is pretty typical, but today it's been much worse (he's seeing people, the beach in California, feels taps on his shoulder, hears people whispering, and things have been rearranging themselves around the room). Thankfully, he does know that these things are not real, but it's still weird for him to have it happen. The hallucinations seem to be getting worse as the day progresses, and Jon is having a difficult time concentrating - it's really messing with his brain, so the docs are going to change his meds. The new meds do not have hallucinations as a side effect, thankfully, and hopefully they will continue to keep reducing his fevers, and eventually elliminate them. Hopefully the rest of today (and the rest of his hospital stay) will be fever and hallucination free!!

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