Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day +8

(Written by Lisa): Things continue to be interesting around here. As I mentioned yesterday, Jon's breakfast stayed down, but then later when he tried lunch, it came right back up. At some point in the afternoon, Jon's blood pressure got really low, and the nurses and docs wouldn't let him get out of bed without someone being right here - they were afraid of him falling over. Not sure why it's dropped, but it continues to be a problem today as well. Since his blood pressure is low, he is also having a more difficult time catching his breath, and his oxygen level dropped, so he is also on oxygen. He also had another fever last night during the night, so when I got here the am, he was down getting another chest xray. He is also experiencing pain in his elbows and his legs - no explanation from the docs on that one. His rash seems to be a bit better, but it is still there. He seems to be retaining some fluid, so the docs are giving him meds for that, but a side effect of those meds is that it can lower your blood pressure, so they are watching him very carefully. As the medicine works, he will hopefully feel a difference in his breathing and maybe his joints (here's hoping). It's been quite a 24 hours, but Jon is still in good spirits and is feeling pretty good in spite of everything. Once again, breakfast stayed down this morning, so we're praying that lunch does too!

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