Monday, February 18, 2008

Right on track

We are busy (especially Lisa!) getting things packed up and ready to go here at home. We are on track to push off from here Thu. AM for Claremont and begin this transplant process - again. While we've been waiting and praying for this day to come, now that we are this close, I find mysef a bit more anxious than I thought I would. Tomorrow will be our big day of packing clothes, kids toys, stuff for me to do in the hospital, and cleaning up the house one last time. I've also got to take care of all the address changes, service stoppages for phone, cable, etc. and some other miscellaneous chores around the house.

Continue to pray that all goes smoothly in preparation for the transplant next week. Pray for good weather Thu. for the move down to Claremont, as well as good weather next week, as I'll have to drive back and forth between Claremont and Dartmouth each day, Mon - Wed for chemo, and we don't have the luxury of skipping a day because of bad weather. Thanks for your continued support, love, & prayers.

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