Thursday, May 15, 2008

There's no place like home!

We arrived home in Waldoboro on Sat. about 3:30pm, and after spending the weekend settling in and putting things away, it has been a rather busy week. Monday, I spent a few hours at church catching up with people. Tuesday, I had an appointment in Rockland, and we went shopping for a shed, which will be delivered in a few weeks! Yesterday, I went and picked up my new car, a red 93 Honda Civic (same year as my current blue Civic!) that has no rust and only 17K miles on it! It should last a long time, and help me avoid thinking about how long my car will last and always keeping an eye out for a better ride at a good price. I also was able to be a part of a meeting for church last night.
I am at home today, resting up and recouperating from the busy 3 days, and will visit the local oncologist here in Brunswick tomorrow. They have moved into new offices, so that will be nice to see their new digs! We are starting potty training with JJ today. My next appointment with Dr. Hill at Dartmouth will be next Fri. May 23, and I'll have my Day 100 bone marrow biopsy at my next visit on either Thu. June 5 or Fri. June 6.
I have been able to do more than I imagined these last 3 days, but I am really tired and worn out today, so I'm going to rest today and hopefully be ready for the doctor's office tomorrow. Keep praying with us for healing, rest & recovery, and wisdom to know when to call it quits for the day.

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