Monday, March 23, 2009

this weekend

So, I have now been on the cGVHD drug regimen for over a week now, and am seeing some slow progress with my skin resolving its peeling (again!), and the mouth sores fading some, though not as quickly as I'd like. In the meantime, I somehow got an eye infection over the weekend, and made a visit to the ER to have it checked out, since my immune system is so suppressed. The drops they gave me are helping the pain, burning, swelling, & itching, but there is still some discharge from the eye, especially in the evening and when I first get up in the morning. I have also developed some tiny blisters on the roof of my mouth, about the same time I noticed my mouth sores fading away. And I've also developed some strange, shooting nerve pain in my left foot each of the last 2 nights. So, I'm waiting today to hear back from the docs what they want me to do about these issues. I'll update again when there's more news. Thanks for continuing to check in and keep up with what's happening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jon, greetings from 105 & 106 FHD & Summerville! Have been visiting Mom Mom & she misses you very much. Pls. write to her (snail mail). She has your calendar photos on her wall & talks about you, Lisa, Jillian & JJ constantly. Wishing you good health & a speedy recovery from all of your latest medical issues. Lots of healing prayers & love, Mrs. Z