Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 30 update on Mom

Mom is now at Day 30 in her chemo cycle, and her blood counts have still not come up in any measure. So, the docs have stopped her daily Neupogen injections (white blood cell booster) for the weekend, and will perform another bone marrow biopsy on Monday, hopefully getting a good sample of both marrow as well as bone this time. They hope to have some results from the biopsy available by end of day Tuesday, which should help provide info that would help guide treatment decisions moving forward. The hope and prayer is that the biopsy sample would be a good, solid sample, and that it would be free from any signs of leukemia, as this would give the most hope for recovery.
As of last night, Mom was improving symptomatically - her fluid output was greater than her input (indicating that she is now beginning to drain her lungs and swollen tissue), and her blood pressure had improved (because they were able to take her off the sedation medication that was causing the decrease in B.P.) which also allowed them to decrease her blood pressure medication. They put a "bite guard" on the breathing tube so that Mom can't bite off her oxygen, and were able to dial down the amount of work the ventilator is doing so that Mom was intiating her own breaths, and Mom was able to sustain that for about 24 hours, which is a lot better than earlier in the week. They have ruled out one of the most common fungal infections of the lungs (aspergillius), and have reduced the antibiotics Mom is getting. All of these improvements in Mom's symptoms are encouraging, and, we are hoping, are good indicators of at least some clinical improvement, as well.
Please pray that:
1) the biopsy would be completed successfully with no complications, and that they would get a good sample
2) the biopsy results would show no signs of leukemia, and even some signs of blood cell growth, which may not have made it out int ot he peripheral blood stream yet
3) Mom would continue to improve both symptomatically and clinically
4) Mom's blood counts would begin to measurably rise
5) strength for Mom to continue fighting, strength & endurance for my Dad to deal with all of the decisions, long hours at the hospital, along with the normal activities of life, and grace and strength for our family in dealing with all the praying, hoping, waiting, and the unknown.
Thanks to all who continue to check in for updates. Your thoughts, concern, and most of all, your prayers are felt and are having an effect in ways you'll never know.

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